We deliver these Fire Protection Services:

Fire Pumps

Fire Extinguishers

Fire Hoses
To save on cost, we’ll bundle your Fire Protection Services into a single package.
The Ontario Fire Code, The National Fire Code and Ontario Building Code. set out specific intervals for the inspection and testing of Fire and Life Safety Equipment. These codes outline the responsibilities of various parties including owners, managers, inspectors and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
To help you remain up-to-date with the Fire Codes as well as to be able to conduct daily, weekly and quarterly inspections, we provide our customers with comprehensive training at either our training facility or yours.
Upon completion of an inspection we send you a detailed report outlining the deficiencies found from our inspection, coupled with a quote for any needed repairs. This report is an excellent tool to use for budgeting purposes, as some items require periodic servicing or replacement regardless of use.
Our goal is to provide you with the technical inspections needed to keep your property, equipment, products, personnel, and customers safe.
Schedule Your Inspection Today!
Nutech Fire Prevention Co. Ltd. a service provider worthy of your trust!